Doctor of Dental Science Peditaric dental specialist certificated




●Front teeth have dissolved

Parents who have a child around 2 years old often visit dental office, because child's front teeth have become smaller and smaller. This is usually caused by prolonged nursing or bottle feeding. Textbook of pedodontics suggests switching to baby food after the child reaches 1 year old. Most of the damage is caused while the child is sleeping. This is the result of a decrease in saliva secretion. That decrease prevents the break down of the milk which gets stored between upper lip and upper front teeth. Resulting bacteria causes plaque to form, which in turn causes the teeth to dissolve. That situation creates wide area of decay on surface of the tooth. It's difficult to suddenly stop night feeding so the gradual weening process should begin as soon as the child reaches first birthday. Please do your best to eliminate night time feeding as soon as possible.

other causes of tooth decay: In recent time pediatricians or physicians advise to drink ionic drinks to prevent dehydration when a child becomes feverish. However this can cause a craving for sweet drinks to develop.

There are rare cases due to enamel malformation.

First is called baby bottle caries, feeding-caries or nursing bottle syndrome, second is called enamel hypoplasia or enamel hypocalcification.

Left photo indicates typical bottle caries.
Enamel surface is dissolved in the large area and surface of it is sandy so pigment of food adheres and brown staining is presented. Moreover, it becomes easy to accumulate plaque increasingly for such surface structure and the area of a cavity spreads.
Left: Baby bottle caries. Treatment is started at 3 years old. If patient is under 3 years old, we do only preventive treatment (Application of fluoride, oral prophylaxis and dietary habit) to delay the increase of cavity. If cavity progresses rapidly and reaches pulp nerve, we will treat it exceptionally.
Remove cavity by drill.
Left: Trial fitting preformed crown former.
Restoration has finished.
How beautiful! Patient, parents and I are happy (^.^)